Our basic music learning system includes the most important aspects such as ear training, learning diverse rhythms, analyzing your favorite songs, creating harmonies and making melodies, as well as learning simple music theory.
With us you simply become a musician on all instruments. The variety of options will take you to next level even if you are just a music lover and you want to learn some basic stuff in a very short period of time.
Together we will learn
• Musical Notes
• Rhythms on drums or on percussive instruments
• Singing
• Songwriting (lyrics, harmony and melody)
• Recording and production in Garage Band, Logic Pro or Ableton Live
We have three levels for you
Level 1
Learning musical notes and sing them
Learning scales on piano roll and simultaneously sing the notes
Learning to clap basic and advanced rhythms with counting the beat or just with metronome
Learning to adapt the rhythms to the piano or guitar or on any instrument you like by improvising the chords and melodies
Learning to analyze and cover your favorite songs
Learning to coordinate your playing with your singing
Level 2
Learning Garage Band, Logic Pro or Ableton Live from a scratch
Learning to use instruments within the software and record them
Learning to use a studio microphones
Learning to record anything that makes a sound in your environment
Learning sound design with Serum and Massive
Learning basic mixing techniques
Level 3
Learning detailed music production sectrets
Learning to record an instruments such as guitar, drums or piano
Learning vocal recording secrets with special microphones and pre-amps
Learning full mixing
Learning detailed mastering techniques
Learning to recover any damaged audio
Learning to fully record and produce yourself at your home studio
With us you simply become a musician on all instruments. The variety of options will take you to next level even if you are just a music lover and you want to learn some basic stuff in a very short period of time.
Together we will learn
• Musical Notes
• Rhythms on drums or on percussive instruments
• Singing
• Songwriting (lyrics, harmony and melody)
• Recording and production in Garage Band, Logic Pro or Ableton Live
We have three levels for you
Level 1
Learning musical notes and sing them
Learning scales on piano roll and simultaneously sing the notes
Learning to clap basic and advanced rhythms with counting the beat or just with metronome
Learning to adapt the rhythms to the piano or guitar or on any instrument you like by improvising the chords and melodies
Learning to analyze and cover your favorite songs
Learning to coordinate your playing with your singing
Level 2
Learning Garage Band, Logic Pro or Ableton Live from a scratch
Learning to use instruments within the software and record them
Learning to use a studio microphones
Learning to record anything that makes a sound in your environment
Learning sound design with Serum and Massive
Learning basic mixing techniques
Level 3
Learning detailed music production sectrets
Learning to record an instruments such as guitar, drums or piano
Learning vocal recording secrets with special microphones and pre-amps
Learning full mixing
Learning detailed mastering techniques
Learning to recover any damaged audio
Learning to fully record and produce yourself at your home studio